country CONNECTIONS was an award-winning* bimonthly print publication that lived between 1992 and 1999. It was a newspaper, a magazine and finally a journal printed in tabloid format and folded to look like a magazine. In other words, we tried everything.
We offer here an archive of selected articles and representative columns. In each issue was found a personal and passionate take on social activism, ecological protection, animal rights and progressive politics. We wanted our journal to be a practical tool for change. We promised stories about models for positive change—people and organizations that had found solutions. We published interviews with leading progressive thinkers and essays on what we believed constitutes a decent life. And dare we say it, in each issue we promised humor. We did our best to avoid doomsaying and the jeremiad. We believed that laughter is important—both before and after The Revolution—and we still do.
And in case you hadn't guessed, country CONNECTIONS was not a country living or country music magazine—even though we once sang bluegrass music in a house in the country, where we started publishing our journal. We hope that you enjoy your visit; we did.
Please use the category tabs at the top of the page to navigate the site, and if you would like to see a list of our issues, please click here.
—Catherine Roberts Leach & Britt Leach, Editors and Publishers
*Library Journal